
Marine Center Publications 2022

Louka, A.D. Sklirou, G. Le Goff, P. Lopes, E.D. Papanagnou, M.S. Manola, Y. Benayahu, J. Ouazzani, I.P. Trougakos (2022). Isolation of an extract from the soft coral symbiotic microorganism Salinispora arenicola exerting cytoprotective and anti-aging effects Doi: 10.3390/cimb44010002 Curr. Issues Mol. Biol. 44: 14–30

Benayahu, M. Ekins, L.P. van Ofwegen, K. Samimi-Namin, C.S. Mcfadden (2022). On some encrusting Xeniidae (Octocorallia): Re-examination of the type material of Sansibia flava (May, 1898) and a description of new taxa Zootaxa  Vol. 5093 No. 4

Baird A.H.,  et al. (2022). A coral spawning calendar for Sesoko Station, Okinawa, Japan. Galaxea, Journal of Coral Reef Studies, 24(1): 41-49.

Frid O, Lazarus M, Malamud S, Belmaker J, Yahel R. Effects of marine reserves on fish communities in a hotspot of climate change and invasion. Mediterranean Marine Science,  in press

Gavriel T, Pickholtz R, Belmaker J. Large individual-level variability in diel activity and depth use for the common lionfish (Pterois miles). Frontiers in Marine Science, in press

Buba Y, DeLong JP, Belmaker J. Synthesizing drivers of fish functional responses across species. Fish and Fisheries, in press.

Chaikin S, Dubiner S, Belmaker J. Cold-water species deepen to escape warm water temperatures. Global Ecology and Biogeography, in press

Steger J, Bošnjak M, Belmaker J, Galil BS, Zuschin M, Albano PG. Non-indigenous molluscs in the Eastern Mediterranean have distinct traits and cannot replace historic ecosystem functioning. Global Ecology and Biogeography, in press

Shapiro Goldberg D, Rilov G, Villéger S, Belmaker J. Predation cues lead to reduced foraging of invasive Siganus rivulatus in the Mediterranean. Frontiers in Marine Science, in press

Bates AE et al. (including Buba Y, China V, Gavriel T, Lazrus M, Malamud S, Namir I, Salingré S, Belmaker J). Global COVID-19 lockdown highlights humans as both threats and custodians of the environment. Biological Conservation, in press

Ohayun S, Granot I, Belmaker J. A meta-analysis reveals edge effects within marine protected areas. Nature Ecology & Evolution, in press

China V, Zvuloni A, Roll U, Belmaker J. Reduced human activity in shallow reefs during the COVID-19 pandemic increases fish evenness. Biological Conservation, in press

 Lazarus M, Belmaker J. A review of seascape complexity indices and their performance in coral and rocky reefs. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, in press

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