
Tenure track position in remote sensing and geoinformation systems

The Porter School of Environment and Earth Sciences at the Faculty of Exact Sciences, and the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History, Tel Aviv University, are seeking a dynamic research leader for a joint tenure-track position in remote sensing and geoinformation systems of the earth.

We invite applications from exceptional candidates for a joint tenure-track position opening in October 2023.
Closing Date: January 31st 2023

The appointment is tenure-tracked, with the expectation of achieving tenure within 5 years. It is designed to enable early career scientists to become tenured group leaders and to develop an independent, world-leading, research group. The successful candidate will be provided with start-up funds, support with student scholarships, and training in research and teaching management.

The Porter School at the Faculty of Exact Science comprises three departments: geography department, environment department and geophysics department covering the physical, chemical, biological, and social aspects of these major fields with respect to the interaction between humankind and the environment, with leading scientific scholars in these fields.
The Steinhardt Museum of Natural History is Israel’s National Center for Biodiversity Studies, focusing on biodiversity research in the broad sense and conservation science. Comprising three divisions – collections & research division, applied policy-relevant research and a public division. It is a recognized national biodiversity research infrastructure.


Candidates are expected to have a strong track record in the core research areas of both the Porter School and the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History units using geoinformation/remote sensing systems.  The candidate must have a strong publication record and a clear research vision as well as a PhD and post-doctoral training at a recognized scientific group in these fields.


Prior to obtaining tenure, the successful candidate is expected to raise external funding, develop their own research programs, contribute to the student learning experience through teaching undergraduate and graduate courses, and through their research and personal tutoring, and contribute to the scientific development of both the Porter School and the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History as a national research infrastructure. The candidate will also be expected to supervise MSc and PhD students and publish regularly in leading international journals. Effective and vital cooperation with the scientific scholars in both units is strongly expected.

Women and candidates from minority groups are particularly encouraged to apply.

To apply please send:

  1. A letter of application
  2. Your CV (including your publication list
  3. A research statement outlying your academic vision and fitting the double-affiliation program (≤ 2 pages).
  4. A teaching statement (≤ 1 page) outlining your teaching philosophy and plans.

Upon request, be prepared to provide three letters of recommendation (which should be sent from the referees directly to the email address below). Candidates who are short-listed will be expected to present a seminar as part of the screening process.

Applications and all inquiries should be sent to the Chair of the search committee:
Prof. Eyal Ben-Dor:  bendor@tauex.tau.ac.il (subject: TAU position)

Closing Date: January 31st 2023

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