
Prof. Menachem Goren


Prof. Menachem Goren

Curator of fish, the Steinhardt Museum

Prof. Menachem Goren is a curator of fish at the Steinhardt Museum.

Education: BSc, MSc and PhD at Tel Aviv University. Post doctorate at Forschunsginstitut and Museum Senckenberg, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Co-Chair of the committee for Fauna and Flora of Israel at the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Deputy chairman of the Steinhardt Museum of National history, Tel Aviv University.

International and national activities (past and present): Member of the subcommittee for scientific collections of the Council for Higher Education – Planning and Grants Committee; Co-Chairman of the executive committee of the “Israel National Collections of Natural History”; Member of the executive committee of the Ecological Society of Israel; Vice President of Societas Europaea Ichthyologrum (European Ichthyological Society); Member of the executive committee of the IUBS (International Union of Biological Sciences; Scientific co-convener of DIVERSITAS (An international programme of Biodiversity Science) STAR element 9 on “Inventory and Monitoring of Inland Water Biodiversity”; Member of the executive committee of the Israeli Society for Aquatic Research; Chief editor of the Electronic Journal of Ichthyology, the bulletin of the European Ichthyological Society; Member of the scientific committee of the Israel national marine monitoring program.

Membership in professional societies (past and present): Zoological Society of Israel; Israel Ecological Society; La Societe Francais d’Ichthyologie; European Ichthyological Union; Ichthyological Society of Japan; Fisheries Society of Africa; Societas Internationalis Limnologiae; American Fisheries Society; The Israeli Society for Aquatic Research.

Marine expeditions: Cyprus; Dahlak Archipelago (Eritrea, Red Sea); the Seychelles Archipelago (Indian Ocean); Gulf of Suez (initiating and leading); Gulf of Eilat (initiating and leading); Tiran Island (initiating and leading); Expeditions to Iskenderun and Antalya (Turkey) (initiating and leading); Chief Scientist of an Israeli-Egyptian expedition to the Red Sea.

Research interests: Ecology and biodiversity of fish communities in the Eastern Mediterranean; Freshwater fishes of Israel: biodiversity, taxonomy and ecology; Fishes of the Red Sea: biodiversity, zoogeography and ecology; Taxonomy and biology of the gobies of the Red Sea and Western Indian Ocean; Biological control of mosquito larvae by fish.

Students: Over 40 PhD and MSc students.

Publications: Three books and over 160 scientific peer reviewed articles. Over 120 papers presented at international and national scientific meetings. Over 100 scientific reports submitted to funding agencies.

Personal Biography: Menachem Goren (born January 26 1944 in Rishon Letziyon), lived in Safed after the War of Independence. He studied at Beit Hinuch School, which after a few years became Mamlachti A Elementary School. As a child, Goren enjoyed hiking around Safed and developed a great affinity for nature. As a teenager he dreamed of specializing in agriculture and was accepted to the Nahalal Agricultural School, but due to illness was forced to leave and complete his schooling in Safed. During his school years he volunteered in the Air Youth Battalions and after a number of years served as the “commander” of the Safed branch. Goren began his military service in a Nahal commanders’ course at Shivta, and continued to an Airforce base, where he met Hagit, his future wife. He fulfilled most of his reserve duty in the 34th Battalion, and later in the Missing Persons Unit.

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