
Dr. Amir Perelberg


Dr. Amir Perelberg

Manager, Nature & Landscape Surveys Unit
Open Landscape Institute (OLI), the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History

Phone: 972-(0) 50-754-8306
Email: aperelbe@tauex.tau.ac.il

Dr. Amir Perelberg is the manager of the Nature & Landscape Surveys Unit at the Open Landscape Institute (OLI), the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History. The unit collects and analyzes data on open landscapes, and provides a professional and reliable background for planners and managers, to facilitate wise, sustainable planning and management. Amir completed his M.Sc. in ecology and environmental quality (magna cum laude) at Tel-Aviv University in 2000, with a thesis on “Ecological and behavioral aspects of the reintroduced Persian fallow deer population (Dama mesopotamica)”. His Ph.D., completed in 2005, was in behavioral ecology and psychobiology at the University of Haifa, with a dissertation on “Coordinated cooperation of the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) from an integrated social-economic perspective”. After graduation, he served for three more years (2006-2009) as a post-doctoral fellow at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, in the Department of Evolution, Systematics & Ecology. Since then, Amir has worked at OLI, initially as the survey coordinator until 2011, then as the head of the Ecology Section during 2012-2017, and from 2018 – as the manager of the Nature & Landscape Surveys Unit. Amir also provides ecological consultancy services to governmental ministries and agencies, organizations, and the private sector.

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