  • המרכז למגוון ביולוגי ימי
    Marine Biodiversity Center

    Photo by Shahar Malamud

  • המרכז למגוון ביולוגי ימי
    Marine Biodiversity Center

    Photo by Hanan Barmats

  • מגוון ביולוגי ימי
    Marine Biodiversity Center

Marine Biodiversity Center

Marine Biodiversity Center

Marine Biodiversity Center

  • Photo by Shahar Malamud
  • Photo by Hanan Barmats
  • Photo by Shahar Malamud

The Marine Biodiversity Center at the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History, Israel National Center for Biodiversity Studies, documents the regional marine biodiversity, records changes through time in the marine ecosystems, and studies them within a multidisciplinary framework, with a special focus on taxonomic research. In addition, the Center is committed to disseminating its knowledge and expertise to decision-makers, stakeholders and the general public, and to providing training to students and professionals.

The Center’s activity is spearheaded by the researchers, curators, and professionals at the Museum who study marine biodiversity. It is open to all whose research aligns with the above-stated mission.

The Center’s activities include:

  1. Strengthening the education and training of graduate students in marine biology and biodiversity through courses, seminars and joint activities.
  2. Providing decision-makers with concrete data on marine diversity through research.
  3. Curating and managing the extensive and diverse collections of the regional marine fauna and flora.
  4. Disseminating the acquired knowledge to the general public, academics and professionals.
  5. Providing infrastructure and facilities for modern, state-of-the-art research in marine biodiversity.


Infrastructure available for the Center:

  • World-class global collections of marine organisms with a special focus on the Mediterranean and the Red Sea.
  • Expertise and facilities to carry out large biodiversity marine collecting expeditions
  • Advanced laboratory for molecular systematics including the ability to obtain genomic data from degraded samples.
  • Microscopy – including state of the art desktop ESEM (including sputter coater and large sample stage), Micro T.
  • Crystalography – XRF (X-ray fluorescence)
  • CASA – Computer-assisted sperm analysis system.
  • Access to diverse advanced infrastructures available in other Faculties and Centers in the TAU campus such as material sciences, chemical, nano etc. analyzing tools.


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