  • חברי המרכז למגוון ביולוגי ימי
    Marine Biodiversity Center Members

Marine Biodiversity Center Members

  • Photo by Shahar Malamud

Prof. Jonathan Belmaker – Fishes

Prof. Roi Holzman – Fishes

Dr. Frida Ben-Ami – Mollusks

Prof. Noa Shenkar – Ascidians

Dr. Omri Bronstein – Echinoderms

Prof. Micha Ilan – Porifera

Dr. Stanislav Pen-Mouratov – Nematodes

Prof. Menachem Goren – Fishes

Prof. Yehuda Benayahu – Soft corals

Prof. Bella Galil – Crustaceans

Dr. Nir Stern (IOLR) – Fishes

Dr. Sigal Shefer – Porifera

Henk Mienis – Mollusks

Oz Rittner – Mollusks

Dr. Noga Sokolover – Bryozoans

Dr. Liron Goren – Annelids

Dr. Ya’arit Levitt Barmats – Crustaceans

Dr. Bat-Sheva Rothman – Fishes

Dr. Revital Ben-David Zaslow – Corals

Dr. Zafrir Kuplik – Coelenterates

Lion Novak – Ascidians

Dr. Tamar Feldstein-Farkash – Molecular Systematics

Dr. Razy Hoffman – Marine and freshwater plants

Dr. Daniella Bar-Yosef Mayer – Palaeontology and Archaeomalacology

Dr. Olga Orlov-Labkovsky – Micropaleontology

Dr. Irit Zohar – Fish osteology, palaeontology, archaeozoology

Dr. Ronit Justo-Hanani – Public Policy and risk regulation

Prof. Avigdor Abelson – Marine ecology

Dr. Alon Shepon – Food systems

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