
Dr. Liron Goren


Dr. Liron Goren

Curator of worms, the Steinhardt Museum

Research associate at the Steinhardt Museum

Dr. Liron Goren is the curator of worms at the Steinhardt Museum. He completed his MSc at Tel Aviv University supervised by Prof. Avital Gazith, working on the survival chances of European Green Toads in an urban environment. His PhD was also conducted at Tel-Aviv University, under the supervision of Dr. Frida Ben-Ami. He worked on ecology and evolution of parasitism in Cladoceran crustaceans. Soon after, he started his postdoctoral studies at Prof. Micha Ilan’s lab (TAU) and at the SMNH, where he researched into the diversity of sponge-associated polychaetes in the mesophotic zone of the Israeli Mediterranean. Liron joined the Museum as a collection manager in 2019.
Liron is fascinated by macroinvertebrates and particularly by polychaetes. His main interests lie at the intersection of multi-species ecology, diversity and taxonomy, but he often gets carried away with ideas about evolution or behavior of species from other groups.


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