
Dr. Stanislav Pen-Mouratov


Dr. Stanislav Pen-Mouratov

Curator of Free-living Nematodes, the Steinhardt Museum

A Senior Research Associate (KAMEA) at the School of Zoology, Tel-Aviv University.

Dr. Stanislav Pen-Mouratov is a Curator of Free-living Nematodes at the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History, and a Senior Research Associate (KAMEA) at the School of Zoology, Tel-Aviv University. He received his MSc at the Department of Ecology and a Nature Preservation, Faculty of Biology and Soil, State University of Kazan, Russia (1983-1988) and PhD at the Institute of Biology of the Academy of Sciences, Kazan, Russia (1988-1992). His doctoral thesis dealt with:  “Heavy metals in the ecological system of the Kuybyshev Reservoir (Volga River)”. Supervisors:   Prof. V.A. Boiko and Prof. B.R. Grigorjan.
Along with studying role of plants and animals (mollusks, insects, fish, amphibians and reptiles) and their habitats in accumulation of heavy metals–microelements, more 20 years his scientific activity was dedicated to studying of response of free-living nematodes to natural and industrial disturbances, mainly in the soil ecosystems, in different regions of the world including Antarctica, Negev Desert, USA, Mexica and Uzbekistan.
Research interests: Biogeochemistry. Ecology of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Abundance and species diversity of the free-living nematodes. Nematode community structure as indicator of short-term and long-term disturbance in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.  Impact of industrial pollution and animals’ activity on soil biota and their habitats.

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