
Dr. Aviv Avisar


Dr. Aviv Avisar

Manager, Nature & Landscape Research Unit
Open Landscape Institute (OLI), the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History

Phone: 972-(0) 54-539-1819
Email: AvivAvis@mail.tau.ac.il

Dr. Aviv Avisar is the manager of the Nature & Landscape Research Unit, at the Open Landscape Institute (OLI), the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History. The research unit lays the foundation for science-based decision making by stakeholders. It encourages academic knowledge for determining policy and strategy for the management of open spaces in Israel. Aviv completed her M.Sc. studies in conservation ecology at Tel Aviv University in 2012. The topic of her thesis was “Effect of light, noise and organic enrichment originating in evening events, on the biology of a rodent community”. Currently, Aviv is completing her Ph.D. dissertation, titled: “Afforestation effects on water, soil and biodiversity of coastal sands ecosystem, and methods for effective restoration”.  In the years 2011-2020, Aviv was the first urban ecologist (in Netanya), and paved the way for a new position in municipal authorities. Aviv specializes in assimilating ecological principles and reducing the damage to biodiversity at various interfaces between man and nature. She has led various projects in environmentally supportive agriculture, land management, recreation management and reducing ecological damage in the design and execution of development projects. Over the years, Aviv has worked with decision makers from various public bodies, including the military, the Ministry of Defense, municipal authorities and government ministries. Aviv teaches a course on assimilating ecological principles for landscape and open space planning for landscape architects at the Technion.

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