
Dr. Karin Tamar


Dr. Karin Tamar

Curator of mammals, Reptiles, and Amphibians, the Steinhardt Museum

Research associate at the Steinhardt Museum

Phone: 972-(0)73-3802006
Email: karintamar@tauex.tau.ac.il

Dr. Karin Tamar is the curator of mammals, Reptiles, and Amphibians at the Steinhardt Museum. She completed her Masters at Tel Aviv University (TAU) under Prof. Tamar Dayan and Prof. Guy Bar Oz in the field of Zooarchaeology. She completed her PhD at TAU on the systematics and evolutionary history of reptiles from the Saharo-Arabian region, supervised by Prof. Shai Meiri and Prof. Salvador Carranza, and postdoctoral studies at the Steinhardt Museum and the Institute of Evolutionary Biology (CSIC-UPF), Barcelona. She joined the Museum in 2020 and has been here ever since.

Her interests focus on using molecular and morphological data to infer evolutionary histories of species, to evaluate biodiversity, phylogenetic relationships, species boundaries and their biogeography. Her publications include descriptions of new species and systematic revisions of reptiles applying molecular and morphology-based tools.

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