The Steinhardt Museum of Natural History offers elective academic courses.
The courses are given by the museum researchers and/or by visiting scientists, Israeli and from abroad | approved for credit points | no participation fee | The courses are aimed at undergraduates and advanced studies students, of all Israeli academic institutes, as well as for professionals of governmental and non-governmental organizations.
For more information and registration please visit the requested course page. Participation is limited
The courses of the National Center for Biodiversity Research are split between two divisions: The Israel Taxonomy Initiative division, which includes courses in taxonomy, systematics, and phylogeny of various organism groups, such as fish, crustaceans, and bees.
The Biodiversity division, which focuses on research, interface and policy.
Academic management: Dr. Menachem Goren, Dr. Tom Shlesinger and Dr. Zafrir Kuplik
Education coordinator: Dr. Noga Sokolover
Scientific consulting committee: Prof. Yael Mandelik, the Hebrew University | Prof. Michal Segoli, Ben Gurion University | Prof. Moshe Inbar, Haifa University | Prof. Tamar Guy-Haim, Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research (IOLR) | Dr. Oren Shelef, The Volcani Center | Prof. Netta Dorchin, Tel Aviv University | Dr. Jotham Ziffer Berger, Tel Aviv University
Registration until: 09/15/2024 will receive confirmation of their admission to the course until 09/22/2024.
Those who register after this date will be accepted on a space-available basis and will be answered within 15 working days of registration