Studying Past Climates to Prepare for the Future
Studying Past Climates to Prepare for the Future
How do we know the climate is changing? In nature, we can find indicators of what was here in the past—we just need to know where to look
Another point of view
Another point of view
NASA footage showing the climate changes
Climate, Melting Glaciers and a Glass of Coke
Climate, Melting Glaciers and a Glass of Coke
why is the sea level rising? and what can we do about it?
Aesthetics of insects
Aesthetics of insects
On nature's aesthetics, inspiration, and insects
The Father Schmitz Collection
The Father Schmitz Collection
The Father Schmitz collection, on display in the ‘Treasures of Biodiversity’ exhibition at the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History
The acacia tree: a web of life in the desert
The acacia tree: a web of life in the desert
Read about the complex and fascinating interactions among living organisms in and around the acacia tree.