
Permanent exhibitions team

Steering committee: Prof. Tamar Dayan, Alon Sapan, Dr. Menachem Goren, Dr. Revital Ben-David Zaslaw, Tamar Zadok, Maya Katorza, Hadas Zemer Ben-Ari, Gev Weil, Dr. Naama Berg

Management of permanent exhibition construction: “Weil – Managing Creativity”Gev Weil and Eli Gdulin

Chief Curator and experience designer: Hadas Zemer Ben-Ari

Temporary exhibition, “Life Object”: the exhibition is the result of collaboration between the architects Benaya Boar, Ariel Blonder and Noy Lazarovich, the scientist Dr. Ido Bachelet and the curator Dr. Yael Eylat Van-Essen

Design companies collaborating on the project: Design Mill,  architect Uri Glezer, Studio Amir Zehavi, Studio Nitzan and Tucan Studio

Scientific curators:
Bugs & Beyond: Dr. Moshe Guershon
Life in the Dark: Dr. Moshe Guershon
Israel’s Landscapes: Dr. Roi Dor
The Great Bird Migration: Dr. Roi Dor
Urban Nature: Dr. Naama Berg
Form & Function: Dr. Tamar Feldstein
Marine Animals: Dr. Tamar Feldstein
The Human Impact: Dr. Naama Berg
Treasures of Biodiversity: Dr. Naama Berg
What Makes Us Human?: Prof. Israel Hershkovitz and Dr. Hila May

Taxidermy and preparation of display items for the exhibitions: Igor Gavrilov, Dr. Stanislav Volynchik

Breeding and preparation of insects for the exhibition “Bugs & Beyond”: Alex Shlagman, Dr. Elizabeth (Liz) Morgulis

Scientific consultants to exhibitions: Dr. Menachem Goren, Prof. Shai Meiri, Dr. Neta Dorchin, Dr. Danny Simon

Special thanks: Helena Hamu, Hagai Segev, Tzachi Beker and Martin Weyl, who contributed their time and rich professional expertise to the construction of the exhibitions.

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