  • הכדור בצלחת שלך
    New Exhibit | The Planet Is on Your Plate

New Exhibit | The Planet Is on Your Plate

  • A new, interactive exhibit

We need food like we need air to breathe, but we take it for granted. In an era in which most of the food we eat is bought at the supermarket, we don’t have time to stop and think: Where does our food come from? Where does it grow? What journey did it take until it reached our plate?

All the food we eat comes from nature, thus it depends on the resilience of the natural systems. Nevertheless, we grow and produce foods that cause harm to both the natural systems and our health.

The consumer environment encourages us to buy more, eat more, and throw more away. Food wastage adds to the erosion of natural resources and to our need to deal with harmful waste and greenhouse gas emissions.

The Steinhardt Museum of Natural History at Tel Aviv University, in partnership with the Forum for Sustainable Nutrition, presents a new interactive exhibit on six huge touch screens. The exhibit invites visitors to discover how changes in our nutrition can improve our health and help the environment.

The exhibit presents three “stories” about our eating and consumer habits, and proposes simple steps that can help us make a meaningful change. The exhibit allows visitors to examine the journey our food takes, and its impact, both on us and on nature. Through fun activities combined with spectacular animation we’ll discover the heavy price of cattle raising on biodiversity and on the earth; we’ll be surprised (or not?) by the huge amounts of food that are thrown away and by the harm caused by this wastage, not only to our pocket; and we’ll learn about ultra-processed food, how to identify it, and the impact of its consumption on both our health and the environment.

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