  • לוגו תערוכת זום 2019
    New exhibition - Zoom 2019

New exhibition - Zoom 2019

The exhibition Zoom 2019 – Young Israeli Artists is a platform for outstanding young artists. This is the second exhibition organized by the Zoom project and the 22 artists featured in the exhibition were selected after a long review of over 1,000 art school graduates, and with the consultancy of a committee of curators at the Israel Museum.

The Zoom exhibitions give expression to a wide range of concerns that preoccupy the country’s young generation. In order to provide these exceptional artists with a maximum amount of artistic freedom, the exhibitions are not thematic, but rather focus on subjects chosen by the artists themselves. The natural history museum hosting the current exhibition offers a prism through which to read the works of these young artists, who examine fundamental questions regarding life, social concerns, and humanity’s condescending attitude to nature.

The exhibition extends over the first four floors of the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History. The location of the artworks throughout the museum entertains a dialogue with the permanent displays, while taking into consideration the interrelationships between the works of the participating artists. Some of the artists present their graduation projects, while others chose to develop new works especially for this exhibition – inspired, in some cases, by the museum displays, structure, and visitors.

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